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Chorus & Clouds Blog

Play in the Early Years with Shauna Farrell

Play in the Early Years with Shauna Farrell

When we observe our children's play and allow them to lead their exploration and discoveries we are giving them the opportunity to foster their own learning at exactly the right time and stage for them. In turn, this experience will give them the intrinsic motivation and confidence to be lifelong learners.

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What Is Loose Parts Play?

What Is Loose Parts Play?

"Loose Parts" is a term first coined by artist and architect Simon Nicholson. He rejected the idea that only select people were "creative" and instead believed that introducing loose parts into children's environments would foster their creativity. In fact, Nicholson's theory extends to the children's input into the design of the space itself.

So what are loose parts?

Loose parts are materials, natural or manmade, that can be moved, manipulated, lined up, transformed, combined, taken apart and put back together in any number of ways. They can be used alone or with other materials and they come with no specific directions. There is no specific function or goal. Closely connected to loose parts play is the idea of open-ended learning. There is not a lot of difference in childhood between art and science, work and play - and all of it is learning! Open-ended materials and experiences encourage problem solving and are child-led, rather than adult-directed. However, the adult plays an important role in preparing the environment for open-ended learning experiences. 

Some examples of loose parts materials could be:

The adult's role in loose parts play could be setting up an "invitation to play" on a child height table. Offering a variety of materials in different baskets and containers within a defined work area like a tray would be one type of invitation. Another type could be a landscape created with coloured blocks, wooden animals and human figures, or a water table with bubbles, sieves and cups.

Once the invitation has been created it is up to the adult to step back and allow the child to lead the activity or use, interpret and manipulate the materials on their own. It is up to the adult to ensure the materials are safe and appropriate for the child so that the child is free to explore them. With this in mind materials set out for a child under three should be large enough that they are not a choking hazard.

Often when a child has an opportunity to use loose parts in their play we will see them making concrete connections and moving materials from one play area to another. For example, a plate of rocks will become "food" for their toy animals or "money" for their store. When children are allowed to integrate different materials creatively they are experiencing open ended learning.

Our Kitsilano shop is curated with the philosophy that child-driven, imagination based, open-ended play materials have longevity and unlimited learning potential.

Visit our loose parts play collection to help you build your own creative library of materials.

Contributed by Shauna Farrell


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8 Types of Risky Play

8 Types of Risky Play

On Wednesday at The Nook we were treated to an informal talk by Rachel Ramsden of the Play Outside UBC Lab (formerly Brussoni Lab). She will be joining us again on Feb. 16th for a more in depth workshop on Supporting Outdoor and Risky Play in Young Children.

As part of her discussion, Rachel outlined the 8 types of risky play that children might engage in:

  1. Play at Speed - running down a hill, riding fast on a bike
  2. Play at Heights - in a tree, on a playground
  3. Play with Dangerous Tools - power tools, toy swords
  4. Play with Impact - jumping off something, jumping on a bed
  5. Vicarious Play - watching other children engage in risky play
  6. Play with a chance of being lost - walking to school by themselves, being outside while parents are inside
  7. Play with Dangerous Elements - on concrete, near a body of water
  8. Rough and Tumble Play - play which has contact, wrestling, play fighting

Research is clear on the importance of regular and repeated access to outdoor risky play. Despite the known benefits of outdoor play, children in North America are spending less time outdoors. In addition, children’s play experiences have become more monitored and controlled. This session will help you build the case about the need for outdoor risky play in your experiences with children, whether as an educator, parent, or family member. Learn the key concepts that support outdoor risky play and how you can begin to incorporate these into your outdoor experiences with children. This workshop will highlight examples from the field, outline how to identify a hazard from a risk, and showcase recent research from the Play Outside UBC Lab. This session will also make available the resources and tools to help you get started in your role supporting young children’s participation in outdoor risky play.

Check out our Events page for more details


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