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The Baby Wearing Club

The Baby Wearing Club

Did you know Vancouver has a Baby Wearing Club? Well we do! And even more amazing they have a lending library! Led by the wonderful Karla Castro, the lending library will allow you to borrow 2 different carriers per month for only $15 annually, so you can see which carriers fits you, your baby and your particular needs before you make a purchase.

Karla is a Trained Baby Wearing Educator, knowledgable in many different styles of baby wearing and wraps from around the world, and offers consultations on the benefits of baby wearing, types of carriers, demos and proper fit checks.

She joined us at The Nook on May 31st to answer our questions and provide mini-consults and fittings for the moms in attendance! She spoke about the many  types of carriers available, helping you get the perfect fit for you and your baby, as well as details you may not have thought of, such as what to wear to be more comfortable while you're carrying your baby. She emphasized the importance of protecting your baby's airway when in the carrier and the proper head support and positioning to ensure your baby's safety, as well as appropriate positioning for their hips and legs.

Many parents in attendance were surprised by how young (2 weeks with some types of wearing) you could begin wearing baby on your back instead of your front, much easier on your back and shoulders! Baby wearing is also appropriate for older toddlers who are not so keen on spending time in the stroller, but also are not able to walk long distances. Here is another instance where proper style, fit and technique come into play. You can quickly and easily scoop your toddler up onto your hip and still have your hands free, but you'll need to make sure the type of carrier and fabric can support their weight and that the adjustment is right to protect your back and shoulders. Parents the world over have been baby wearing since the beginning of time and we can learn which techniques make sense for us and our children.

Contributed by Shauna Farrell