Building Your Child's Toy Library

Chorus & Clouds classes have promoted and introduced the idea of loose parts play for many families a long while now. Many have been new to the idea being first time parents. It's no surprise that some of us have little to no idea of all the different types of play or types of materials we can offer to our children, if we haven't been around young children. So naturally we hope to speak about that here. With our new BLOG we will be excited to share ideas connected to early years play and development, our toy collection in our new shop, documentation of happenings in our TWO learning studios in Vancouver and more!
Over the years we've curated quite a selection of toys in our classes. And we have often heard from the families attending that you'd love to have access to these materials. Wonderful news! Our new beautiful shop carries virtually all of those items and toys and more. But you do I build and curate a solid toy library for my child without breaking the bank? Here we go!
Building your Toy Library:
Keep it simple. When buying for a baby, choose toys and materials for sensory stimulation - sight, sound, texture. Ages 0-12ish months will make use of these items in a myriad of ways. Think out of the box, but always ensure safety too. sensory block + music making components like this toy
Invest in good quality core sets of toys that can be paired in different ways as your child grows and develops. For example, a set of blocks and a set of people.
Loose parts are materials with no specific set of directions.They can be used alone or combined with other materials and allow for endless possibilities. They allow the play experience to be completely child led. Perfect for 3-8 year olds.
So, this season, think small shop, think local businesses and think who can help me shop for my child, my grandchild, friend, new parent....we're here to help. Our online shop is ready for you now! Happy Shopping!
Jess and the Chorus team!