May- June classes are are now and run until June 22. Registration for our July-August semester opens June 1st 8am May- June classes are are now and run until June 22. Registration for our July-August semester opens June 1st 8am

Glow In The Dark Bouncy Ball

Like a treasure, a planet shining in the cosmos: a bouncing ball of phosphorescent filaments, presented in its illustrated gift box, which glows in the dark after being exposed to the light. This large glow-in-the-dark rubber ball measures 5.5cm in diameter. Safety rated for children 3 years old +.
It's not just about class time.

It's not just about class time.

It is about what we all take away.  How we feel when we sing together, how a song can make a child smile or soothe them during tough times.  The list of benefits acquired from singing and music making is extensive.  We may not see it right away, but if we pay attention, we will soon discover how important a role music plays in a child's development.  The connections fostered between peers in each class is amazing to see and we love watching our little friends come to life in each and every class.  Come join the fun!


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